2019. Editorial Project Management of Euclid’s Elements (completion of Oliver Byrne’s edition) incl. communication with mathematicians, transcript, editing, proofreading.
2019. Gestión de projecto editorial de los Elementos de Euclides (finalización de la edición de Oliver Byrne) incl. comunicación con matemáticos, transcripción, edición, corrección.
2019. Gestió del projecte editorial dels Elements d’Euclid (finalització de l’edició d’Oliver Byrne) incl. communicació amb els matemàtics, transcripció, edició, correcció.
Elements—a treatise attributed to ancient Greek mathematician Euclides—is the most successful and influential textbook ever written with numerous reeditions. The relevance of the content has not changed over the years; however, the tedious geometric references are no longer up to date in a century in which the visual aspect is more important than ever. The minds of learners are now more intuitive, and studies show the power of visual aids for learning success. Therefore, the transformation into visual concepts started by Byrne was now completed for all 13 books to facilitate learning and teaching of geometry and to communicate key concepts with colours and visual elements.
Carlos Dorce Polo, Mathematics Professor at the University of Barcelona. He is a specialist for History of Mathematics and Science, teacher formation for secondary school and A-levels and for the application of mathematical content in teaching. Together with a team of other professional mathematicians he transformed the books 7-13 to complete the work started by Oliver Byrne.
Kronecker Wallis‘ Elements shows an intuitive and creative way to engage with complex propositions to maximize the learning outcomes and to enjoy delving into mathematical proofs and propositions. The transformation of the books 7–13 by Carlos Dorce and his team completes the project Byrne started in 1847, and the modern and clean design turns it into an updated edition of the classic textbook. This edition will ensure that the «bible of mathematics» fulfils its educative function with motivating and stylish pages for all 13 books.