Editor — Newton Notebook

Editorial Project Management
2019. Permissions clearance

2019. Research, rights and project organisation for a facsimile of Newton’s College Notebook for Kronecker Wallis. 

2019. Recherche, Rechte und Projektorganisation für ein Faksimile von Newton’s College Notebook für Kronecker Wallis.

2019. Investigación, derechos y organización del proyecto para un facsimile del College Notebook de Newton para Kronecker Wallis.

2019. Investigació, drets i organització del projecte per a un facsimile del College Notebook de Newton per a Kronecker Wallis.


This small notebook was probably used by Newton from about 1664 to 1665. It contains notes from his reading on mathematics and geometry, showing particularly the influence of John Wallis and René Descartes. It also provides evidence of the development of Newton’s own mathematical thinking, including his study of infinite series and development of binomial theorem, the evolution of the differential calculus, and its application to the problem of quadratures and integration.

We made a facsimile version; meaning all interior pages will be as per the original (as you can see in the photos). More info and images from Cambridge Library.