2019. Translation from Catalan to English. The official FC Barcelona book, published by the Italian publisher Skira on the occasion of its 120th anniversary, details the complete story of the football club.
2019. Übersetzung aus dem Katalanischen ins Englische. Das offizielle FC Barcelona Buch, veröffentlich vom italienischen Verlag Skira zum 120. Geburtstag, veranschaulicht die komplette Geschichte des Fußballclubs.
2019. Traducción del catalán al inglés. El libro oficial del FC Barcelona, publicado por la editorial italiana Skira para la ocasión del aniversario 120, ilustra la historia completa del club de fútbol.
2019. Traducció del català a l’anglès. El llibre oficial del FC Barcelona, publicat per l’editorial italiana Skira per a l’ocasió de l’aniversari 120, il·lustra l’historia completa del club de futbol.

Publisher’s Description
This book details the complete story of the only football club that is «more than a club». Through its pages and images, the reader can deepen into the victories obtained by his most emblematic players and coaches, and discover the evolution and social impact of a club that has managed to transcend the sports field and become a global phenomenon.
Equipped with great visual content and luxuriously produced, the volume portrays like any other the complete history of the FC Barcelona, from its origins to the present time, crossing all its milestones.
The volume stands out for the great variety of photographs and historical images and chronologically covers the long history of FC Barcelona, focusing both on its sporting achievements as well as on its history and the values that have made Barça «more than a club».