2018. First project as a project manager for Kronecker Wallis incl. image research, permissions, copy-writing, copy-editing, translation, proofreading.
2018. Primer proyecto como gestora de proyecto para Kronecker Wallis, incl. búsqueda de imagenes, redacción, editing, traducción, corrección.
2018. Primer projecte com a gestora de projecte per Kronecker Wallis, incl. recerca d’imatges, redacció, editing, traducció, correció.
A visual travel companion, following the discoveries of one of the world’s greatest scientists. It is our recognition of the wonderful world that Humboldt drew.
Around 300 representative drawings aiming to illustrate the worldview of a modern scientist whose inner impulse was to conceive nature as a whole, moved and enlivened by inner forces.
The compilation is bound in a little formal collection, in which there are different types of paper, different textures, different measurements… that help to differentiate the sections, transmit sensations and make a representative product of our way of understanding how it feels for someone who loves books.
And it’s a trilingual edition: English (main language), German and Spanish.